ok..Ptm=Phantom =]
and heres a guide to get ancient, so nobody ask again ><
before anything happens, you have to get the lunar magic book, which you exchange points for, in the magic training arena(use tele to get there)
item requirement: duel ring, glory ammy and thats basically it.
first, start off buying a duel ring from the shop in edgeville,(the middle shop keeper)
second,rub the duel ring, it should take you to hero's guild dungeon, near the recharge fountain
third, use glory on the fountain, that should recharge your glory.
fourth, rub glory, there should be options to tele where. choose the pyramid.
fifth, when you tele to the pyramid, go to the back of the pyramid, and go in through the hole in the back
then, finally, you should be inside the pyramid, and theres the anicnet altar, just switch your magic there.
There ancient magic, grats. =.=
oh well, hope it helps, rofl